The biggest fish ever caught (certifiably) in the Columbia River was a White Sturgeon in 1912. It weighed over 1,100 pounds and was over 12 feet long. The fish was caught by accident after it got tangled in a salmon gill net.

Digital Archives Washington State
Digital Archives Washington State

How long do White Sturgeon live?

There’s no question that the White Sturgeon is the largest fish living beneath the waters under the Blue Bridge and throughout the Columbia River in Washington. They’re nicknamed “living fossils” because they’ve survived the elements and Earth’s evolutions over millions and millions of years. One of the reasons they get so massive is because their lifespan is typically over 100 years.

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What is the biggest freshwater fish in North America?

According to A-Z Animals, White Sturgeon in other areas have been recorded up to 20 feet long and weighing over 2000 pounds. That’s a massive fish – and is without a doubt the largest freshwater fish in North America.

Sturgeon roe is a sought-after delicacy


Sturgeon is sought after fish, mainly because of its meat texture which fish lovers enjoy. It can be eaten raw, baked, boiled, or fried. Sturgeon meat runs about $8 a pound or more. Some Sturgeon are popular for their roe – eggs – or what’s called caviar.

Do White Sturgeon attack humans?

Although White Sturgeon look like huge river monsters, there’s no need for concern, they live on the bottom and feed generally on small fish, worms, and vegetation. They have no interest in humans.

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