Tri-Cities…Your Natural Gas Bill Is Going To Skyrocket!
Over the weekend I received a form letter from Cascade Natural Gas, maybe you got one too, that laid out the coming rate increase...and what an increase it is. Even though it was a form letter, it had a touch of personal as it was signed by CGNC President and CEO Nicole Kivisto. In some ways it came across as an apology...in other ways, a warning. Ultimately it was an in depth explanation of what was set to begin with July's bill.
I'm not upset with Cascade Natural Gas, I can't be. This wasn't their doing, this was the direct result of the Climate Commitment Act and the carbon auctions that have taken place over the last year and a half. The company serves 67 communities across Washington State and all of them will feel the pain of the CCA.
How Bad Could It Be?
Fair question...the reality is it depends on how much natural gas you use. My home has both gas and electricity. My furnace is the only thing I currently have on gas, but the ability to convert my water heater, stove, and fire place to gas is there if I choose. In the summer my gas use is minimal, as is my bill. Once November rolls around the bill gets a bit higher.

Those that have more items on natural gas will feel significantly more pain. Restaurants are going to feel a lot of pain. Cascade Natural Gas explained very thoroughly that the increase is, in part, a result of the amount of they had to pay to get carbon credits in the auctions. The other part affecting this happened on May 23rd of this year. The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission approved the Climate Act Fee and Credit effective June 1. The table below lays it out.
The average impact is close to a 21% increase. That's average impact. Some customers could be more severely impacted than others. Those that qualify as low-income will se no change to their bill. Those that do not qualify as low-income get to shoulder what the low-income rate increase would have been.
We Shouldn't Be Surprised Because We Were Warned
When the legislature passed this monstrosity in 2021, we were warned this was coming. The Dept. of Ecology echoed the talking points from the Governor that this would only create pennies on the dollar increases. It was evident early they lied. Ecology went so far as to remove those claims from their website. First the impact was felt at the pump, now it will be felt in your home.
The ultimate goal is to make natural gas so prohibitive cost wise, that utilities move away from it and consumers convert to all electric appliances in their homes. That isn't cheap either. The Building Industry Association of Washington laid out the cost of converting from gas to electric. The average cost is just under $40,000. Now working families will have less money for other necessities thanks to a government engineered money grab.
Can Anything Be Done About it?
Yes, Initiative 2066 will preserve and protect natural gas as a viable and impactful energy choice for Washingtonians. It is believed enough signatures were gathered to get I-2066 on November's ballot. It is now for the Secretary of State's office to verify and validate those registered voter signatures. That is one piece of the two-pronged attack against the CCA.
The other is Initiative 2117 which would effectively roll back the CCA by eliminating the carbon credit auctions, otherwise referred to as 'cap and tax'. I-2117 will also be on your November ballot. Voting yes on both of these Initiatives will roll back price increases at the pump and by utilities that have natural gas as part of their energy portfolio. You, the eligible registered voter in Washington State, CAN do something about this in November. Vote YES on I-2066 and I-2117 to put money back in your pocket and the pockets of all those struggling as a result of the Climate Commitment Act.
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Gallery Credit: Reesha Cosby