10 Ideas To Do In Wenatchee After You Read This Article
These are the Top 10 things you could do, after you read this article. According to Aly 😊 Because let's be real, we all get bored, so here’s some ideas!
Volunteer at the Lighthouse Christian Ministries, they have a soup kitchen that feeds so many people in this community, even just donating food would be tremendous.
Explore the different backroads of our valley! Ever been up the Palisades past Rock Island? Highly recommend taking the drive all the way up to the top at sundown, thank me later.
Try one of the many awesome local restaurants like Tastebuds, or El Agave!
Call a family member you haven’t talked to in a while! How is Cousin Joe anyway??
Take a bath! When was the last time you did this? Don’t just hop in and out, relax!
Go shopping at, you guessed it, a local shop! Have you been to the Gilded Lily on the Wenatchee Ave?
Find a fun recipe to make! Can be something for your sweet tooth, or even a fun dinner!
Wash the dog or cat! I mean, for real, when was the last time ya did so??
Organize a closet! I mean, you are reading this trying to find something to do, why not get er done?!
Breathe! Life gets busy! Take time for you and breathe!
However, you decide to spend your time after this article, make sure it makes you happy, and fills your soul. You got this and you have choices!