Seven Free Roadside Attractions Near Tri-Cities Worth Checking Out!
Here Are Seven Free Roadside Attractions Near Tri-Cities Washington
Everyone is itching to hit the road this summer and nothing is more fun than stopping along the way to check out roadside attractions.
We've known of some legendary roadside attractions like Idaho's giant spud drive-in theatre and Oregon's prehistoric gardens but the Tri-Cities also has our own share of great roadside attractions and the best part is that they are free to you.
These Washington Roadside Attractions Are Free!
We've compiled seven roadside attractions worth checking out in our area. A few will take a few hours to get to but that's the best part of a road trip.
It's the adventure of it all!
The Best Eastern Washington Roadside Attractions Are Close To The Tri-Cities
Take a look at the seven we've selected for you below:
Seven Roadside Attractions Near Tri-Cities Worth Checking Out!
I'm ready to hit the road now. From a spray-painted bus to some crazy signs near Walla Walla, there is something for every member of the family to enjoy.
The best part of a road trip is grabbing the munchies and drinks at the store and heading out to explore new places.
I'm sure we've left a few places off our list so feel free to let us know on our app chat feature what roadside attractions we missed and we'll add them to the list!