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There are several Memorial Day Observances happening in the Mid-Columbia Monday, May 29th.

Sunday and Monday at Sunset Gardens Richland

 Sunset Gardens at 915 Bypass Highway Richland will be offering free hotdogs on Sunday, May 28th from 11 am to 2 pm at their event center. On Monday, from 11am to 2 pm they will have a special Memorial celebration featuring Sno cones, live music, and a speaking presentation by former WA State Senate Candidate Tiffany Smiley.

Mueller's Funeral Homes will have 2 observances on Monday

  9 AM at Riverview Cemetary at 10th and Olympia in Kennewick, there will be a flag presentation and special event.

  11 AM at Desert Lawn Memorial Park there will be a flag presentation and event, the park is located at the corner of 10th and Union in Kennewick.

Both of these are sponsored by area VFW Post 5785.  The public is encouraged to attend any or all of these events.

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LOOK: What 25 Historic Battlefields Look Like Today

The following is an examination of what became of the sites where America waged its most important and often most brutal campaigns of war. Using a variety of sources, Stacker selected 25 historically significant battlefields in American history. For each one, Stacker investigated what happened there when the battles raged as well as what became of those hallowed grounds when the fighting stopped.

These are the battlefields that defined the United States military’s journey from upstart Colonial rebels to an invincible global war machine.